Welcome to the new Jyotish Tutorial series by Patti Foy

Patti Foy is a certified Vedic Astrologer
and an accredited Teacher and Tutor for
both the American College of Vedic Astrology
(ACVA) and for the Council of Vedic Astrology
(CVA) where she's also been given the title
of Jyotish Visharada, CVA. She's been working
with satisfied clients world-wide since 1998.
You can contact her, read more of her articles,
and access her services (including but not
limited to Jyotish) at her website/blog
Lightspirited Being.
Jyotish is a remarkably powerful tool for interpreting a birth chart.
But a Vedic birth chart contains so much information that sometimes it can be
down-right overwhelming.
Well, look no further.
This series offers sequential, bite-size lessons on how to interpret a Vedic
chart. Each sub-series will center around a given aspect of life.
It's designed with the assumption that you already have a basic knowledge of
Jyotish and understand the meaning of the planets, houses, signs, nakshatras,
etc. as well as other basics needed to analyze a chart such as aspects, yogas,
use of harmonic charts, dasas, etc.
When English words exist for a particular concept, I'll use them instead of
Sanskrit. Sanskrit is an amazing language and has its advantages, but many of
you are Westerners and it will be easier for you to understand this way. (If
this is a problem for you, please do let me know.)
Note: Many thanks to Pundit Mahesh Shastriji for inviting me to present
some Jyotish lessons to you.
First Up: Financial Astrology
Given what's going on in the world, Pundit Mahesh Shastriji and I decided it
would be good to start with the area of financial astrology.
You will learn:
- What the financial indicators are in an
individual's chart
- How to interpret and translate them into
meaningful and useful information
- How to spot both opportunities and challenges
- How to take best advantage of both
What This Tutorial Covers
Here's an outline of the topics I plan to cover and the order I expect to
cover them in, although I'm sure I'll adjust it as I go.
Each topic will be a separate article (approximately).
If you'd like to see other topics included, please let me know and I'll see
if they fit in.
0.0 Introduction
Some good ideas to keep in mind about financial astrology and its indicators
1.0 Basic Money Indicators
1.1 Natural money planets
1.2 Money Houses
1.3 Difficult houses (dusthanas) and ways to work with them
2.0 Planets and Yogas (combinations)
2.1 Functional money planets & Dhana Yogas
2.2 Each planet as a money planet or as influenced by other planets (non-yoga
2.3 More good money yogas
2.4 Difficult money yogas
i2.5 Lifelong vs. temporary influences
3.0 Placement
3.1 Houses
3.1.1 Lagnas: Ascendant, Moon, relevant karakas
3.1.2 Houses 1-12
3.2 Signs
3.3 Nakshatras
4.0 Harmonic Charts
4.1 Harmonic Charts as they relate to finance
4.2 A special way to calculate the Hora (money) chart
5.0 Not Included
These next are important and I will touch on them, but will not include
them as individual topics because they're not specific to finances. But if you'd
like me to, please let me know and I can perhaps do some stand-alone tutorials
on each of these too:
5.1 Integrating Lagnas: How to integrate placement from multiple lagnas
5.2 Upayas or ways to work with difficult money indicators
5.3 Timing
5.3.1 Dasas
5.3.2 Transits
See You Again Soon!
So now you're aware there's a new series here and have a good idea of what
you can expect.
Whenever you have questions or comments, I've created a
page for that on my site so we
can interact to our heart's content. You can always leave your comments or
questions there, and read others' comments and questions as well.
I'll respond there too so everyone can see the conversations.
If you have a private question or comment, you can find my contact info here.
I hope you'll join us, and tell your friends too!
Until next time.
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