Druka Panchang Ganita, Panchanga Siddhanta,
Panchang Author:
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji, Seattle, WA USA Inspiration: Late Pundit Maganlal Devshanker Shastriji
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Total 794+ panchangam in english plus 5 languages Flavours: Amavasyant and Purnimant Over 397+ cities online....
Each city has Amavasyant and poornimant panchangam, with chogadia and lagna table.
Daily Planetary positions can be found here.
Today's Panchang for
Please select a new location or Panchang for Another city
First select your city and click on "code" button to get a code to embed a panchang on your website you can copy the following HTML code in your html file where you want to display panchang for your city. the additional parameter is &color=RRGGBB where the color code will be in hex of RRGGBB. you cannot use coloor name, you need to use specific hexanumeric color code.
Panchangam / Panchangam 2017
To view Panchangam in your language, scroll down and select city of your choice.
They are categorized into Continents, Country and City.
We present panchangam for various cities. Please select the city where you are currently
living. If you live in USA and belong to Bangalore then don't select
Bangalore but the cityin which you are living or need the panchangam
for. These panchangam(s) have been calculated using high precision
Druka siddha ganita and Lahiri's ayanamsa. Now a days most panchanga
makers uses drika ganita and the panchangam(s) presented here are also
based on the latest drika ganita to provide accurate timings for
Please clear your browser (Internet Explorer or whatever browser you are using) cache before viewing these
panchangam(s) as keep updating our panchangam with various
information, additions etc...
If you want to use these data for your website please contact us and we
can send you the zip file containing data, if need help with vratam and
all other data we can help you with that as well. We would like to help
all temples / hindu organization to follow our tradition.
If you want to see something not presented here, please
write to us at the email mentioned bottom of this page! and you'll have
If you like our efforts please recommend this site to your friends and
families! More people using our panchangam will give us energy to add
more and more cities with rich information! If you can help write to
If you sent the feedback! and didn't see your panchangam here with in
couple of days please drop us email again to mypanchang at live dot
Note: Unlike other
online panchangam, all times presented in our panchangam have been
adjusted for daylight saving time for North American/Candaian
Panchangam. Please manually adjust for other places in the world where
daylight saving time applies. So if you find difference in times of our
panchangam and other panchangam this is because ours is based on high
precise JPL ephemeries and we adjust daylight saving time for North
American and Canadian Cities. Other cities presented here also uses the
same high precision JPL ephemeris. Most other online panchangam are
based on moshier's ephemeris and could have a small error in compare to
JPL ephemeris. So, When you see the difference in our panchang timings
and other's timings, ours is higher precision and more accurate. (The
difference could be from couple of minutes to hours, including daylight
saving time the differece could be an hour and couple of minutes. In
case of panchangam based on surya siddhanta difference could be 2 to 4
Please click here to
learn how to read and interpret panchang data. If you don't see your
city here, please send us feedback
and we'll be glad to add your city. All data presented below are in
html format, you won't require anything to download to view our
Please click here for 2013's Festivals
The festivals needs to be observed based on local information like local sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, midnight, madhyahna and various thithi and nakshatra observances rules. Hence festival dates mentioned in indian calendar cannot be used outside of india. We present here following table for festivals observance in various parts of worlds. If you are planning to use it on your website or on your printed materials you can use free of charge, please mention "source:www.mypanchang.com" somewhere in printed materials or on the website.
General purpose muhurtha:
As per Dharmasindhu 4 important days do not require any muhurtham (and the entire day is good) and they are:
So, If you are planning wedding, house warming, starting a new venture, bhoomi poojan or anyother thing, please use above table where they fall in your area and get that date. The entire day is good, however, we recommend to avoid Rahukalam, Yamagandam, Durmurtham, and Gulika Kalam timings.
yaj jagrato duram udaiti daivam tad u
suptasya tatHaivaiti|
duramgamam jyotisam jyotir ekam tan me manaH shivasankalpam astu||
||shri shukla yajurveda vajasaneyi samhita (madhyandina sakha) 34.1|| The
divine essence that goes far away, from the waking, and likewise from
the sleeping, and that one far-traveling Light of lights, on that-the
auspicious will of the divine-may my mind dwell.
sarve janA sukhino santu ..
kriShNa! kriShNa!! kriShNa!!!
I bow down to the supreme personality of godhead Lord kriShNa who makes
incomplete complete.
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji
Seattle, WA, USA
shastrijii at mypanchang dot com
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You can now embed panchangam on your website. It will be updated daily without you having to do anything. All you need is click on this "Embed Panchang Code" button and paste the resulting code in a place you want to show your panchang for your city on your site. If you need ideas where to display drop us line and we'll help you. Also please let us know if you are putting our panchangam on your site. It's free. We encourage you to display on your site. You can customize color of font and font too. Drop us line and we'll show you how. Just try it out on your page and let us know if you like it or not.