Panchang Ganita, Panchanga Siddhanta,
Panchang Author:
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji, Seattle, WA USA Inspiration: Late Pundit Maganlal Devshanker Shastriji
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An important component of New Year celebration is to go to the temple and listen to
the year'ss predictions. Usually the priest or an expert in astrology gives full
details of how the year will be for people of each zodiac sign, and also predictions
related to politics, marriages, jobs, promotions, natural calamities, wars, rains,
crops, etc. Further, experts in astrology advise people to perform certain pujas(prayer
services) to minimize and eliminate the negative energy from their lives. It is
strongly believed that praying to God by going to the temples and conducting prayer
services at home will help to have a a peaceful and happy year for everyone. That.s
why on Ugadi day all temples are packed with people. This years's Shakaya Samvatsara Vijaya & Vikrami Samvatsara Parabhava Panchanga Sravanam is here.
yaj jagrato duram udaiti daivam tad u
suptasya tatHaivaiti|
duramgamam jyotisam jyotir ekam tan me manaH shivasankalpam astu||
||shri shukla yajurveda vajasaneyi samhita (madhyandina sakha) 34.1|| The
divine essence that goes far away, from the waking, and likewise from
the sleeping, and that one far-traveling Light of lights, on that-the
auspicious will of the divine-may my mind dwell.
sarve janA sukhino santu ..
kriShNa! kriShNa!! kriShNa!!!
I bow down to the supreme personality of godhead Lord kriShNa who makes
incomplete complete.
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji
Seattle, WA, USA
shastrijii at mypanchang dot com Visitor: