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Hindu Festivals dates for 2025
Magha Gupta Navaratri date
Mahashivaratri Puja date and Muhurta
Vasant Navaratri date
Ashadha Gupta Navaratri date
Haritalika / Hartalika date
Ganesh Chaturthi Puja date and Muhurta
Mahalaya / Shraddha Paksha Begin date
Mahalaya / Shraddha Paksha End date
Sharad Navaratri date
Vijaya Dashami & Dussera date
Sharad Purnima, Kojagiri date
Karwa Chauth date
Ahoi Ashtami Puja date and Muhurta
Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Diwali Laklshmi Puja Muhurta
Kali Chaudash (Gujarat)
Naraka Chaturdashi
Diwali Laklshmi Puja Muhurta
Gujarati New Year
Yama Dvitiya, Bhaiya Dooj, Bhai beej
Labh Pancham
Chhath (Sayan Argya)
Lunar Eclipse date and time
Solar Eclipse date and time

End times
T: Tithi
N: Nakshatra
Y: Yoga
K: Karana

RK: Rahukalam
YM: Yamagandam
GK: Gulikai
AJ: Abhijit Muhurta
DM: Durmuhurtham
V: Varjyam
AK: Amritkalam

End times
AN: Anandadi yoga
TY: Amritha, Siddha Marana Yoga used in Tamil Panchangam

Start times
Sun: & Moon:

Kalasa Chakra
(Graha Pravesha)
Good are
South, West and Bottom

Fire location:
Advisable to do Homam(Havan) when the fire is on earth and in the Homahuti when Guru, Shukra or Budha receives aahuti.
Mrityu Yoga, Yamaganta yoga are bad, Amrit Siddhi, Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga are good.
When you lost an article in Andhaksha nakshatra you'll find it soon. Article lost in Mandhaksha will be harder to find. Madhyaksha and Sulochana will have even harder to find lost article.
Please consult astrologer. This is just a guide only. Experienced astrologer can weight these yogas and give you good muhurtha. Actual strength of muhurtha depends on everything and specially depends on lagna shuddhi.
Amaavasyanth Months Panchangam, calculated for Suva, Fiji
March 2012[ Phalguna- Chaitra]
Maasi-Phanguni (Kumbha-Mina)
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Understanding Panchangam

T: Tithi, N: Nakshatra, Y: Yoga, K: Karana, These times are ending times. When the one finishes the element shown in next day starts right after the previous element finishes. For example Kritika 27:04:05 means Kritika nakshatra will end past midnight at 3hr 4min 5seconds. Another example Rohini 8:59:32. This means Rohini nakshatra ends at 8hr 59min 32seconds AM.
RK: Rahukalam, YM: Yamagandam, GK: Gulika, AJ: Abhijit Muhurtha, DM: Durmuhurtha, V: Varjyam, AK: AmritKalam, AN: Anandadi Yoga, TY: Amritha, Siddha, Marana Yogam as used in tamil panchangam.
The time next to the Sun and the moon is when they enter enter mentioned rashi. For example: Mesha 13:04 means they enter in mesha rashi at 13hr 4min. When the hours mentioned are greater than 24 than they end past midnight. Subtract 24 hours from hours and change the date. Indian Day is from one sunrise to another. These are the standard panchangam notations used by most panchang makers.
Avoid Rahukalam, Yamagandam, Gulika, Durmuhurtha and Varjyam timings. Abhijit and Amrit Kalams are good when they are not intersected by bad muhurthas mentioned above.
Drishya Ganita Panchaanga calculations by Pandit Mahesh Shastri, (C) Copyright mypanchang.com. No parts can be copied or reproduced in anyform without prior permission of mypanchang.com
  1. The sunrise and sunset times are middle of the disk rising which is used for astrological purposes.
  2. The newspaper sunrise cannot be used for astrological/muhurtha purposes.
  3. The + (plus sign) right next to the time means time after midnight (next english date). As Indian day is from one sunrise to another sunrise.
  4. The Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana times are end times where as Chandra and Surya Rasi change time are Pravesha time (begining).
  5. When the end time or start time denotes time greater than 24 hours then its next day after midnight but before nextday sunrise in that case subtract 24 from the time.

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